The Role of CO2 in Coffee Production: Flavor and Cleaning

CO2 blasting , dry ice blasting to clean coffee silos

30 lb. bags of ground coffee that was removed from degassing bins at a coffee processing facility.

CO2 gas can play a triple role in coffee production. It affects the flavor (both good and bad) and cleaning (if CO2 blasting is used).

Coffee is made from a bean (actually a seed).  When it’s dried, roasted and ground, it’s used to make  . . . coffee.

Roasting the coffee beans gives coffee its flavor and aroma. The coffee roasting process causes the coffee beans to begin giving off carbon dioxide (CO2) gas . . . lots of it. To allow the gas to escape, the ground coffee is stored in degassing bins from a few days to a week or more.

Our Crew

Cleaning the many degassing bins at the facility took a large cleaning crew to handle the dry ice blasting unit, compressor, dryers, hoses, and dry ice.

CO2 gas can be friend and foe to ground coffee. Too much CO2 remaining in the coffee gives it a sour taste, but at the same time, CO2 acts as a barrier to coffee’s biggest foe . . . oxygen, which causes coffee to develop a rancid taste. How long can coffee taste good? Until it starts tasting bad!

If you are a coffee aficianado, then you probably wouldn’t want these 30 lb. bags of ground coffee to make your daily brew.

Whether it was exposure to oxygen, moisture, high temperature, or even light that caused the coffee to go stale, the ground coffee pictured here was removed from the degassing bins and the bins throughly cleaned with environmentally friendly dry ice (CO2) blasting.



Blackwell’s, Inc.

Specialized Industrial Cleaning, Concrete Coatings and Concrete Repair

LaGrange, GA



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