Abrasive Blasting

Aggresive media for coating removal and surface profiling

Media Blasting Services

We offer a full range of media blasting services using a wide variety of specialty blast medias. The media choice is dependent on:

media blasting
Vapor blasting with an aggressive blasting media to remove the coating on a water reclamation tank.

Wet/Dustless/Vapor Blasting uses a mixture of blast media and water. Most available blasting media can be used wet or dry. When blasting, the water vapor captures dust particulates before they become airborne and cause inhalation risks.

Specialty Medias (less aggressive blasting media used for cleaning/coating removal without damaging delicate surfaces):

Aggressive Blasting Media:

Abrasive Media Blasting in the Repair of Sedimentation Basin Walls

Blackwell’s, Inc. was contracted to media blast the walls and floors of sedimentation basins at this public water facility to:

• Determine the extent of damage to the concrete walls
• Clean and profile the basin walls and floors for repair and recoating with modified cementitious material


Water treatment sedimentation basin wall before and after media blasting. To the right of the scaffolding is the wall before any cleaning or media blasting work was done to the wall. The center section of wall (behind the scaffolding) is after the initial soft washing with bleach. The left section (lighter color) shows the wall after profiling by media blasting.
Water treatment sedimentation basin wall before and after media blasting. To the right of the scaffolding is the wall before any cleaning or media blasting work was done to the wall. The center section of wall (behind the scaffolding) is after the initial soft washing with bleach. The left section (lighter color) shows the wall after profiling by media blasting.
Media blasting to profile the concrete basin floor beneath a sedimentation vacuum track without damaging the track. With the exception for the vacuum tracks, the basin floor will be shotblasted to profile the floor for recoating.
Media blasting to profile the concrete basin floor beneath a sedimentation vacuum track without damaging the track. With the exception for the vacuum tracks, the basin floor will be shotblasted to profile the floor for recoating.
Abrasive media blasting uncovered numerous deteriorating layers of concrete, structural wall cracks, exposed and corroded structural rebar, and earlier repair patches.
Abrasive media blasting uncovered numerous deteriorating layers of concrete, structural wall cracks, exposed and corroded structural rebar, and earlier repair patches.
Sedimentation vacuum track after media blasting.
Sedimentation vacuum track after media blasting.

Machinery and Equipment

Sed lobortis rhoncus sem a condimentum. Pellentesque ac mi vulputate, vulputate urna eu, congue libero. Praesent pharetra vitae ligula non tempor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vitae accumsan tellus. Donec sapien nunc, rhoncus nec ex condimentum, tempus consectetur neque.

unc ac elit ipsum. Nulla facilisi. Ut eget magna eleifend, placerat magna vitae, dapibus nisi. Nam fringilla massa a purus cursus, id dignissim mi volutpat. Aliquam et turpis vitae velit luctus semper non ut velit. Aliquam varius eros eget dolor pharetra ultricies. 

Service Includes:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
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Walls and Ceilings

Sed lobortis rhoncus sem a condimentum. Pellentesque ac mi vulputate, vulputate urna eu, congue libero. Praesent pharetra vitae ligula non tempor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vitae accumsan tellus. Donec sapien nunc, rhoncus nec ex condimentum, tempus consectetur neque.

unc ac elit ipsum. Nulla facilisi. Ut eget magna eleifend, placerat magna vitae, dapibus nisi. Nam fringilla massa a purus cursus, id dignissim mi volutpat. Aliquam et turpis vitae velit luctus semper non ut velit. Aliquam varius eros eget dolor pharetra ultricies. 

Service Includes:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
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