Regardless of what an industry produces, the floor has one thing in common with all the other industrial floors . . . they are made of concrete.
The strength and durability of concrete makes it a great floor. However, concrete is porous, and that allows it to absorb water and other fluids. A solution is to apply a sealer over new or existing concrete to eliminate or reduce the water absorption.
There are many ways to seal concrete. Coatings, such as epoxy floor coatings, acrylics, and polyurethanes, not only penetrate the concrete surface, but also form a thin film on the surface. Because these coatings are non-porous, the surface can be very smooth and almost glass-like. The colors and patterns that can be created with these non-porous coatings are amazing.
But while these floors are beautiful, if they get wet, they can be as slippery as ice.
Thankfully there is a solution for that, too.
With the addition of an aggregate (or grit) to the coating before it begins to dry and cure, the coated floor becomes almost non-slip even when wet.
Blackwell’s, Inc.
Specialized Industrial Cleaning, Concrete Coatings, and Concrete Repair
Dry Ice Blasting
LaGrange, GA