Some time ago, my wife complained that our new vacuum cleaner would work for a few minutes and then shut off. After a few minutes it would work again . . . and then shut off again. I knew it must be overheating for some reason, but after checking and clearing the hose and roller brush for clogs, only to find nothing, I gave up and took it to a repair shop. The shop found the problem was a hairpin lodged out of sight inside the vacuum that created a clog and caused the vacuum to overheat.
Dirt and contamination cause similar problems for industrial motors.
Dirty electric motors run hotter and use more energy. Inadequate ventilation from blocked cooling fans can result in bearing failures. Shutting down the assembly line to clean equipment can be a killer to an industrial facility’s net income and efficiency.
Dry ice blasting (CO2 blasting) is a fast, easy and cost effective industrial cleaning method for cleaning, maintaining and managing production equipment. Since dry ice is considered non-conductive, it’s an ideal method to clean electrical equipment. Clean and dry CO2 blasts electrical motors, circuit boards, switch gears, insulators and windings without the headaches associated with sand or water blasting. Since the CO2 sublimates back into the atmosphere, there is no need for the electrical components to dry. Electrical components can immediately be put back into service.
Dry ice blasting will effectively clean years of contamination buildup from equipment and can eliminate the costly down time if equipment has to be disassembled and cleaned by hand.
Blackwell’s, Inc.
Specialized Industrial Cleaning, Concrete Coatings and Concrete Repair
CO2LD Tech
Dry Ice Blasting
LaGrange, GA