If you’re in need of a method of cleaning the surface of equipment and machinery, your first thought might be to use sand blasting, plastic bead blasting, or soda blasting. Unfortunately, for as popular as these mediums are, they are also damaging to your equipment. There is, however, a faster, more cost effective, and entirely environmentally friendly alternative that won’t leave your surfaces scuffed or damaged. Dry Ice Blasting, also called CO2 Blasting or Cryogenic Blasting, stands as a better choice for multiple reasons.
Environmentally Friendly
Using Dry Ice Blasting is one of the best ways to clean a surface without causing damage to the surrounding environment. You can rest assured that you will not produce any harmful or unwanted contaminants, such as solvents or grit media. This means that CO2 Blasting can be used in places where other cleaning methods might not be an option.
Safety Always Comes First
A fear that many people have regarding Dry Ice Blasting is the threat of damage to sensitive materials, such as active electrical or mechanical parts. Thankfully, Cryogenic Blasting is powerful enough to clean away the worst messes, but gentle enough not to destroy fragile surfaces or create volatile situations.
Range of Use
Those unfamiliar with Dry Ice Blasting might mistakenly think that it is somehow incapable of clearing away the same range of materials as the rougher sand blasting. Yet, this could not be further from the truth. They quickly come to find that CO2 blasting can easily remove production residues, release agents, contaminants, paints, oils, and more, just as well as any other blasting technique.
Exceptionally Efficient
The best part about Dry Ice Blasting is how efficient the process is. In many situations you don’t need to worry about wasting time with disassembly or reassembly, which will make cleaning faster than ever. This means that many surfaces, especially those of machinery, need not be removed from their location. As Carbon Dioxide is also nonpoisonous, it can also be utilized for cleaning tasks in establishments that serve or process food.
You can find dry ice blasting services throughout the US, but use a professional company with experience, and one that strictly adheres to EPA and OSHA guidelines, for a fast, effective, and affordable cleaning method.