Industrial Walls and Ceilings Cleaning Services

Maintain a safe and efficient workspace with specialized cleaning services for industrial walls and ceilings by Blackwells, Inc. - trained and certified in tackling diverse industrial environments.

Industrial Walls and Ceilings Cleaning

The cleanliness of walls and ceilings in an industrial setting is crucial but often overlooked.

These cleaning services are vital to:

deep cleaning for FOD
Ensuring a Clean and Safe Industrial Space.

Why Choose Blackwells, Inc. for
Your Industrial Walls and Ceilings Cleaning Needs?

At Blackwells, Inc., we understand the importance of a comprehensive cleaning approach that includes walls and ceilings in industrial facilities. Our team is expertly trained and equipped to handle various cleaning challenges, ensuring your industrial space not only meets health and safety standards but also promotes a positive work environment.

We focus on thorough cleaning to eliminate potential risks, like fires or explosions caused by dust accumulation. Our methods include CO2 blasting, compressed air, pressure washing, and detailed hand-cleaning, each tailored to meet the specific needs of your facility.

It takes some planning, but cleaning and maintenance can often be done without disrupting production. We’ve cleaned industrial facilities for years and know what it takes to get these cleaning jobs done, often without a shutdown.


Our Cleaning Techniques:

CO2 Blasting: Effective for removing grime and contaminants from ventilation systems and other areas, ensuring safety and health.

Pressure Washing: Ideal for external surfaces, removing gunk, dirt, and mold, especially from porous materials like limestone.

Compressed Air: Perfect for cleaning hard-to-reach areas like rafters and beams, removing dust and debris to prevent fire hazards and improve air quality.

Hand Cleaning: Sometimes, a meticulous hand-cleaning approach is best for confined spaces and delicate areas.





dry ice blasting in GMP facility, cleaning physics
Dry ice blasting inside a GMP Food Production Facility to remove flaking paint from overhead steel pipes. The red arrow at top right points to the dry ice blasting wand. The red arrow at bottom left points to the HEPA air filter and ventilation fan removing air from the floor to ceiling plastic curtain creating a negative air pressure containment room.
Ceiling before and after dry ice blasting
Before and after photo of an industrial kitchen ceiling. Dry ice blasting sections of the ceiling cleaned away the aerosolized oil and other contaminants that collected on the ceilings above the ovens. As we cleaned these ceiling sections, we then coated the sections with a multi-purpose acrylic coating that resists coating failures from elevated temperatures of up to 200° F.

In an industrial landscape that demands meticulous attention to detail, Blackwells, Inc. remains committed to delivering top-tier cleaning services for walls and ceilings, ensuring the safety and efficiency of industrial facilities across the southeastern United States.

Regular industrial cleaning isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about safety, health, and employee well-being. Let us be your cleaning champions – contact us today!

co2 blasting brick wall
media blasting basin wall
Ceiling before and after dry ice blasting
concrete rehabilitation
concrete repair
pressure washing brick
pressure washing limestone