“You Make Me Feel Brand New” was a 1974 hit by the Stylistics. Even though I haven’t heard that song in forever, just reading the lyrics got me to whistling the tune. But being brand new and feeling brand new are not the same. And being brand new is entirely different than looking brand new.
Looking brand new is an act of restoration. Restoration, such as these before and after photos of a manufacturers “Tufting Machine”, we can help do. This particular machine, the first one installed at the manufacturer’s facility in 1963, is used to “marry” fabric to the rubber backing in the manufacture of rugs.
After 50 years of use, the Tufting Machine held sentimental value to the owner and we helped restore it to an almost brand new look through our industrial cleaning services.
Now, what would it be like to be able to go back in time to a point in your life where you were “brand new”? Most of us, if we could, would definitely make some major changes. But since that’s not possible, the only thing we can do is start where we are right now.
There is a very thought provoking quote, credited to Carl Bard, that says, “Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending”.
That’s a powerful thought for all of us.
Blackwell’s, Inc.
Specialized Industrial Cleaning, Concrete Coatings and Concrete Repair
Dry Ice Blasting
LaGrange, GA