Have you
ever thought that you were created to work? According to the Bible, work is God’s gift to man. If we look at work that way, then our work is a blessing to us.
For several years now, we’ve been blessed with our fair share of work and then some. Our associates put in long, dedicated hours in industrial sites across the southeast. They are sometimes away from their families for weeks on end, or they leave early and get back late. Then they start over the next day.
It can be hard on their families, and we know it’s not always about industrial cleaning and concrete polishing, so every now and then, we like to show our appreciation to our associates. And as Aunt Bea said in one episode of “The Andy Griffith Show”, when referring to Opie studying too much . . . “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”.
Our family fun day last week gave our industrial cleaning associates a day away from work to be with and play with their families and enjoy good food, fun, and fellowship.
There was something for all, including the kids . . . BBQ, games, horse-drawn buggy rides, skeet shooting, door prizes, homemade ice cream, and plenty of Georgia summer heat for the 75 people at the appreciation day.
The photos give a glimpse of the fun everyone enjoyed.
Blackwell’s, Inc
Specialized Industrial Cleaning, Concrete Coatings and Concrete Repair
Dry Ice Blasting
LaGrange, GA